So we've interested you enough to get this far.....
​​ now let's tell you a bit about how we work.
We meet every Wednesday, however we realise that this isn't always possible. We all have busy lives and that's fine! A good sing really does help get rid of stress, but we understand if you can't make it every week. No worries, we'll see you the following week!
The friendship element - most of our choir didn't know each other before Crescendo - but now we have a fabulous group of friends who socialise and have fun together - a group even take regular trips to London to see shows.
We pretty much split the choir into 5 sections; Soprano 1 - these are the high voices, and usually do the tune. Soprano 2 - the ladies who do a lot of the harmony work. The Alto's - the ladies who don't feel they can hit the high notes the Sopranos can. Finally, the men. We have recently become a mixed choir, with both Tenor and Bass members and their voices provide a lot of the depth to the sound and we would welcome more!
There are no auditions for new members and you don't need to read music.
The Choir perform a few concerts each year - and we will probably do more in the future. They are always good fun, and raise money for local causes.
The Cost - Well your first week is free, to see what you think of us, and to decide if you like it. After that its £5 per session. This covers the pianist, music costs, hall hire, and things like that - oh, and a cup of tea (bring your own mug).
So, why not get in touch and arrange to come & give us a go.
Come & have a sing with us!!
We meet at Fraser Hall, Leylands Retirement Village, Broadway, Derby. DE22 1AY

Every Wednesday
7.30pm - 9.30pm